Hey everyone! Sorry that I've been neglecting my blog (like I've been saying for the past few posts..), it's just that I have been swamped with school and my internship as well as our new fashion organization on campus. We're taking off and starting off on the right foot by getting involved with other groups on campus and in the area.
We actually just got the opportunity to volunteer with Fashion's Night Out Grand Rapids with A.K. Rikk's. We got in contact with Jim Murray, General Manager of A.K. Rikk's, where he wanted us to help pass out fliers for trolleys and help promote FNOGR. I helped run the official FNOGR Facebook page that night by posting photos and answering questions that anybody may have had throughout the night.
Here are some photos through the night:
Part of the ice sculpture at A.K. Rikk's. The ice sculpture was actually a bar and shot luge,
decked out with a crescent moon drinking a beer. |
Cupcakes and champagne were served at Gina's, where there
was also an aerialist show. |
Two of our e-Board members, Avery & Stephanie. Aren't they so cute?! |
Jim Murray, GM of A.K. Rikk's and the one who started FNOGR in 2010.
He buzzed FNO into his head - awesome, yeah? |
Me, getting my hair done at Lee & Birch (for free!!) by the salon stylists from
Jefferey Richard's. Erin did a great job, but it fell out shortly after :( |
This necklace was a designer's hand made piece, made of silver, copper, gold, and
leaves from Santa Fe. It was so amazing, but it was $500...
Other than going to stores, I also stopped at the Brewery Vivant where I instantly fell in love. Kelly Muschiana is a local artist that is inspired by 40s fashion and bridal wear. Her illustrations and paintings are extremely neat and clean. Check out her display:
Kelly is standing by one of her pieces that she auctioned off.
Also, the dress she's wearing was thrifted! She said it came with ruffly sleeves,
but they had holes in them. Instead of passing it by, she decided to turn it strapless
and add the ribbon belt and jewel. I love her creativity and style. |
Three of Kelly's drawings. |
Another three of her paintings. I am buying a print of the yellow one on the left. All of them are
amazing, but yellow is my favorite color and it would look amazing in my all white room! |
Kelly also hung all of her paintings from the ceiling with grey satin ribbons. It put such a delicate and unique accessory to the frame. You better believe I will be putting this into play when I get my print!
Fashion's Night Out was a great experience for myself and for all of the SFA members that attended. It was our very first outing and event as an official RSO, and it was a huge success.
A huge thank you to Jim Murray and everyone at A.K. Rikk's; without you, we wouldn't have had the great experience that you offered to us.
There will probably many more SFA things posted on BeYOUtyQueen - the organization really is turning into my child. I care so much about it and I want to see it go above and beyond everyone's expectations.
For all my fashion blogger buddies, let me know if you would like to get involved with us! Anybody involved in fashion whatsoever would be great to get ahold of!
Until next time, which will hopefully be very soon, beyouties! :) xo
photos taken by Nicole Finch and Ryan Witten, SFA members!
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