Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm published, baby!

All of this hard work I've been doing is paying off so well. Not only have I been on Intern Queen as a Campus Ambassador, but I just got posted on on how I got my NYC internship! You can read it here. :)

I'm also going to start blogging for, a social networking site of a monthly audience of over 2 million 18-30 year olds, with advice and opinions on Sports, Dating, Tech, and Pink - fashion and beauty! If it all starts expanding, they may even start paying me for it. What would be better than blogging about things you love and getting paid to do it? ... #cricketnoise Nothing!

By the way, I'm currently in the process of creating a whole new template and layout for easier navigation and a better appearance in general. Be on the look out for that, along with more reviews, OOTDs, prom makeup, etc. coming soon. I'm still busy with a ton of stuff, including starting up a Fashion RSO on campus! The blogger meet up we went to a couple months ago has really gotten us inspired.

I will talk to you all soon. Have a lovely week. xoxo

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